83 Augustine, The Magnitude of the Soul (New York: Fathers of the Church, 1947), ch. 34.
84 Such as, e.g., R. Lipsius, Lehrbuch der evangelisch-protestantischen Dogmatik, §306; S.
Hoekstra, Wijsgerige godsdienstleer, 2 vols. (Amsterdam: Van Kampen, 1894–95), II, 121, 128.
85 Augustine, Expositions on the Psalms, on Ps. 74.
86 C. Weisse, Philosophische Dogmatik, I, §§492ff.
87 Anselm, Monologion, c. 22.
88 Augustine, City of God, VII, 30.
89 Augustine, Epist., 187, c. 5, n. 16; Bonaventure, Sent., I, dist. 37, pt. 1, art. 3, qu. 1–2.
90 P. Lombard, Sent., I, dist. 37.
91 Augustine, Expositions on the Psalms, on Ps. 94.
92 Ibid., on Ps. 34.
93 Ibid., on Ps. 74.
94 J. Wellhausen, Die christliche Religion: Mit Einschluss der israelitisch-judischen Religion, I,
IV, 1, 15, in Die Kultur der Gegenwart, ed. Paul Hinneberg, 24 vols. (Berlin and Leipzig: B. G.
Teubner, 1905–23). Cf. Nödelke, who would rather admit that “Israel was to him an enigma than
explain this phenomenon by accepting a revelation” (in H. H. Kuyper, Evolutie of revelatie
[Amsterdam: Höveker &Wormser, 1905], 67).