95 Cf. F. Delitzsch, Babel and Bibel, trans. T. J. McCormack and W. H. Carruth (Chicago: Open
Court, 1903), ch. 1; and Bruno Baentsch, Altorientalischer und israelitischer Monotheismus
(Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1906), reviewed by W. Nowack, Theologische Rundschau (December
1906): 449–59.
96 See H. Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, I, 84–86 (#23); also James Orr, The Problem of the Old
Testament (London: James Nisbet, 1905), 40ff., 125ff.
97 J. Schwane, Dogmengeschichte, 4 vols. (Freiburg i.B.: Herder, 1882–95), I2, 67ff.; A. von
Harnack, Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First 300 Years (New York: Harper, 1962),
125–46, 206–18, 234–39, 290–311.
98 Cf. on the unity of God: T. Aquinas, Summa theol., I, qu. 11; idem, Summa contra gentiles, I, c.
42; D. Petavius, “De Deo,” in Theol. dogm., I, chs. 3–4; II, c. 8; M. J. Scheeben, Handbuch der
katholischen Dogmatik, 4 vols. (1873–1903; reprinted, Freiburg i.B.: Herder, 1933), I, 576ff.; J.
Heinrich and C. Gutberlet, Dogmatische Theologie, III, 269ff.; J. Gerhard, Loci theol., II, c. 6; F.
Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, III, qu. 3; O. Zöckler, “Polytheismus,” PRE3, XV, 538ff.
99 Irenaeus, Against Heresies, I, 12; II, 13, 28; IV, 4; Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis, V, 12;
Origen, On First Principles, I, 1, 6; Athanasius, De decr. Nic. Syn., c. 22; Against the Arians, II, 38.
100 Augustine, The Trinity, V, 4; VII, 5; idem, Confessions, VII, 11; XI, 4.
101 Augustine, City of God, VIII, 6; X, 10; idem, The Trinity, XV, 5; T. Gangauf, Des heiligen
Augustinus speculativ Lehre von Gott dem Dreieinigen (Augsburg: Schmidt, 1883), 147–57.
102 John of Damascus, The Orthodox Faith, I, 9.
103 Anselm, Monologion, c. 15; P. Lombard, Sent., I, dist. 8, nn. 4–9; T. Aquinas, Summa theol., I,
qu. 3; idem, Summa contra gentiles, I, 16ff.; Bonaventure, Sent., I, dist. 8, art. 3.
104 D. Petavius, “De Deo,” in Theol. dogm., II, chs. 1–8; Theologia Wirceburgensi, III, 64; G.
Perrone, Prael. theol., II, 92ff.; J. Heinrich and C. Gutberlet, Dogmatische Theologie, III, 417; G.
Jansen, Theologia dogmatica specialis, II, 60ff.; J. Kleutgen, Die Theologie der Vorzeit, I, 183ff.;