6 Anselm, Monologion, 6.
7 Dionysius Petavius, “De Deo deique proprietabus,” in De theologicis dogmatibus, I, ch. 6;
TheologiaWirceburgensi, III, 38ff.; G. Perrone, Prael. theol., II, 88–90; J. B. Heinrich, Dogmatische
Theologie, III, 326; G. Jansen, Prael. theol., II, 26ff. A. Straub, in several articles on “Die Aseität
Gottes,” Philosophisches Jahrbuch 16–17 (1903–4), properly distinguishes, speaking of the divine
essence as basic metaphysical being (ens metaphysicum) and aseity as the first attribute of that
8 J. Köstlin, Luthers Theologie in ihrer geschichtilichen Entwicklung und ihrem inneren
Zusammenhange, 2d ed., 2 vols. (Stuttgart: J. F. Steinkopf, 1901), II, 302ff.
9 H. F. F. Schmid, The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, trans. Charles A.
Hay and Henry Jacobs, 5th ed. (Philadelphia: United Lutheran Publication House, 1899), §17.
10 A. Hyperius, Methodi theologiae moralis, 87, 135; Georg Sohn, Opera sacrae theologiae, II, 48;
III, 261; Amandus Polanus, Syn. theol., 135.
11 Peter van Mastricht, Theologia, II, 3; J. H. Heidegger, Corpus theologiae christianae, III, 30; S.
Maresius, Systema theologicum (Groningen: Aemilium Spinneker, 1673), 2, §17; Johannes áMarck,
Het Merch der christene Got-geleerheit (Rotterdam: Nicolaas en Paulus Topyn, 1741), IV, §20; L.
Meijer, Verhandelingen over de goddelyke Wigenschappen, 4 vols. (Groningen: Jacob Bolt, 1783),
I, 39–110.
12 Ed. note: This translation adds to the niv (“shrewd”) the notion of Bavinck’s original
Statenvertaling: worstelaar (wrestler).
13 Philolaus et al., according to E. Zeller, Philosophie der Griechen, 4th ed, I, 425, 488; II, 928. Ed.
note: ET: The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics, trans. Oswald J. Reichel (New York: Russell &
Russell, 1962).
14 E. Zeller, Philosophie der Griechen, 4th ed., II, 359–65.