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The word adoration represents aspects of religious worship to God found everywhere prominent in the Bible. It derives from the Latin adorare which means, to speak to, entreat, or to do homage, (i.e. worship); and from the Latin, os (oris), meaning mouth. The root word os has reference to the Roman practice of applying the hand to the mouth, i.e. kissing the hand as a token of homage. “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” (Psa. 2:12).

Adoration is intense admiration culminating in reverence and worship, together with the outward acts and attitudes which accompany such reverence. It includes both the subjective sentiments, or feelings of the soul, in the presence of God, and the appropriate physical expressions of such sentiments in outward acts of worship. It involves the reverent contemplation of God’s perfections, attributes and prerogatives, our acknowledgment in words of praise, and the exercise of the godly fear of the creature in the presence of his Creator. It is the expression of the soul’s mystical realization of God’s presence in His transcendent greatness, holiness and lovingkindness during our time of personal devotions and corproate worship.

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The Story of Adoring God

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