“Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure; yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.”
(Psalm 102:25-27)

Every morning we awake offers a unique opportunity to rise anew in the embrace of Christ’s love. Just as we lay down to rest with a sense of peace each night, waking to the serenity and assurance of His presence is essential. This consistent act of consciously bringing God into the start of each new day mirrors the sentiment of Psalm 23:6 where it says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” John Cooper said, “And so rising with the Lord, we shall be fitted to entertain the next special occasion of the day: which is prayer.”[1]

By adopting this daily ritual of waking with an awareness of God and then moving into a spirit and posture of prayer, we fortify our commitment to righteousness. It is akin to refreshing the soul each morning, reviving that sense of wholeness with which we fell asleep. This consistent practice also acts as a safeguard against the emergence of negativity when the new day begins. It establishes a strong foundation for the actions and decisions we’ll make throughout the day, essentially invigorating each day with grace. This spiritual alignment not only lets our hearts find joy in the Lord but also primes us for the integral act of morning prayer.

But how does one truly cultivate this daily embrace with Christ? Reflecting on the eternal life God promised, as well as our impending judgment mentioned in 1 Corinthians 1, is a powerful start. Every restful night can be seen as a symbolic resting in the bosom of God’s protection, an idea beautifully captured in Psalm 3:5. And then the break of dawn serves as a potent reminder. The emerging light beckons thoughts of the Lord of Light, who exposes the contrasting darkness of our spiritual challenges and ignorance. Such moments of clarity prompt us to move away from these deeds of darkness and toward the light of His love (Romans 13:12).

Moreover, every new day is an invitation to celebrate the patience and mercy of the Almighty. It is a chance to fortify our faith, recognizing the unwavering and renewing love, compassion, and mercy He has waiting for us each morning (Lam. 3:22-23).

Even those nights when sleep is broken can become precious moments of drawing closer to God. Such opportunities are perfect for reflecting on our actions and attitudes, expressing remorse for our failures, and yearning for His boundless mercy (Psalm 16:7, Song of Solomon 3:1). Such mindfulness can only be achieved by connecting with God, recognizing His presence, and finding solace and guidance in the promises of His Word in every moment of our awareness.



  1. God’s mercy. Every morning when I open my eyes, I’m reminded of Psalm 23:6. Knowing that God’s goodness and mercy will accompany me throughout the day provides an unmatched comfort. I’ve come to realize that by consciously acknowledging His presence at the start of my day, I set the tone for a day of gratitude and reflection.
  1. The Dawn. The dawn holds powerful symbolism for me. With the first light, I’m reminded of the Armor of Light, urging me to clad myself in righteousness. And when I encounter darkness, I’m more conscious of my own spiritual blind spots. This balance between light and darkness, captured in Romans 13:12, continually prompts me to seek Christ’s enlightenment.
  1. The silence of the night often serves as a backdrop for introspection. On occasions when I wake in the middle of the night, there is a pull to reflect on my actions and seek His mercy. Such moments, echoed in Psalm 16:7, have become crucial in my spiritual journey. They prompt me to take inventory of my sins and seek forgiveness and repentance, drawing me ever closer to God.
  1. Sharing Struggles. Sharing my spiritual struggles with my pastor, a close friend or family member has often led to profound moments of connection. As James 5 suggests, opening up about these struggles can be healing. It not only provides a release but also strengthens those bonds between me and a fellow believer, reminding me that we are all on this spiritual path together in search of understanding and redemption.


A Prayer for Waking and Walking in God’s Embrace

O Lord, my everlasting refuge and stronghold, You who laid the foundation of the earth and stretched out the heavens by Your mighty hand, I rise this day in the light of Your mercy. The heavens may grow old, the earth may crumble, but You remain unchanged, steadfast in love, faithful in all Your ways. You are my dwelling place in all generations, my God who neither slumbers nor sleeps. As I wake from the rest You have graciously given, let my first thought be of You, my first breath be filled with gratitude, and my first step be taken in the assurance of Your abiding presence.

How often, O Lord, have I risen to the day’s cares before I have turned to You? How frequently have I rushed into my labors without first clothing myself in the armor of light? Forgive me, Father, for the mornings I have wasted, for the days begun in self-reliance instead of dependence upon You. Forgive me for the restless nights where my heart wandered from Your peace, and for the dawns when I failed to acknowledge the gift of another day. Create in me a heart that delights in You from the first light, that seeks You with longing, that does not delay in bending the knee before You.

I thank You, Father, that Your mercies are new every morning, that Your patience endures despite my frailties, that each day You extend grace beyond what I deserve. You have blessed me with life and breath that I may walk in the knowledge of Your truth. Thank You for the stillness of the night, for the moments when You stir my soul to reflection. Even in wakeful hours, when thoughts are heavy, You are near, whispering words of peace, calling me to trust, reminding me that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Lord, let me walk this day in the fullness of Your embrace. May I wake with praise upon my lips, with my heart fixed on what is good, with my mind renewed by Your Word. Let the light of the morning be to me a sign of Christ, the true Light who has shone into my darkness. Clothe me in the armor of righteousness, that I may resist the temptations that seek to lead me astray. Guard my thoughts, that they may be pleasing to You. Guide my steps, that they may not stumble. Grant that I may walk in love, extending grace to others as You have shown grace to me.

When the trials of the day arise, when the weight of the world presses in on me, let me not forget that I am upheld by Your everlasting arms. Teach me to number my days, to redeem the time, to live with eternity in view. And when evening falls, may I return to You again, recounting Your faithfulness, confessing my failures, resting once more in the knowledge that You who have begun this good work in me will bring it to completion.

So Lord, I commit this day and every day into Your hands. Be my shield, my song, my strength. Let me wake and walk in the confidence of Your unchanging love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Further References for Psalm 102:25-27:

James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8; Mal. 3:6; Isa. 41:4


[1] John Cooper, The Christians Daily Sacrifice Containing a Daily Direction for a Settled Course of Sanctification, (London: N.O., 1615) 377.