“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”

(John 3:19)


What a commentary on the depths of human depravity when men love darkness rather than light! And yet this passage explains why; it is because “their deeds are evil.” Lovers of darkness take their pleasure and delight in unbelief and sin (John 3:19). John Trapp rightly said, “Unbelief is a bloody sin (Heb. 10:26), a heavy sin (John 3:19), a most ungrateful, inexcusable sin, such as shuts a man up as prisoner in the dark dungeon of the Law to unavoidable destruction (Gal. 3:23).”[1]

At first, you may consider the sin of unbelief to be less destructive than say that of the sin of murder, for example. But on further reflection, it should be made clear that the sin of unbelief is at the root of every other sin. Consider the point at which Satan tempted Eve in the Garden. He planted the seed of unbelief in her mind when he asked, “Has God [really] told you that you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Are you quite sure that’s what he said?” That single seed of doubt (unbelief) was sufficient to set the course of mankind against his Maker. And it is sufficient to keep men of all ages and nations forever lost in a maze of darkness and depravity.

Darkness is the absence of light and is often the condition of holding cells reserved for criminals in maximum security prisons awaiting execution. So even in society, darkness is associated with a sentence of death. Likewise, darkness in Scripture represents the absence of spiritual light and is synonymous with the unpardonable sin of unbelief. All unbelievers are imprisoned in this spiritual darkness and carry a sentence of death as explained in John 3:18, “he who does not believe is condemned already.”

It is no surprise, therefore, that darkness also defines the horrific and eternal estate of the damned in hell (Matt. 22:13), referred to as the “second death,” (2 Peter 2:4). Those who die in a state of unbelief, never having responded to the light of the gospel of Christ, will forever be tormented in complete and utter darkness.

Nothing short of the pure light of God that “came into the world” and which still graciously shines on earth through His Word and in the hearts and lives of believers can release those who are yet bound in their prison of darkness and unbelief. This light is the only sure and certain cure that remains for those living in unbelief. For Christ is the Light that has come into the world, that whoever believes in him might not perish, but have eternal life… and that without exception. Christ is a saving light to those who believe… and a condemnation to those who willfully remain in darkness and unbelief (John 3:19). 


  1. Lord, I know that darkness is associated with difficult, sad, and frightening states. Some of the most severe punishments for the worst criminals include solitary confinement in utter dark, miserable, and horrible conditions.
  1. Those who pervert the truth – calling good evil and evil good… falsehood truth and truth error – clearly demonstrate the darkness of their heart and the master they serve.
  1. If one remains in the state of sin and wretchedness, they remain in darkness and unbelief. And what do you do, Lord Jesus, but give light to them that sit in darkness!

Further References for John 3:19:

Matt. 6:23; John 1:9; Isa. 60:2; Eph. 5:8


[1] John Trapp, A Commentary or Exposition upon the Four Evangelists, and the Acts of the Apostles, (London: A.M., 1647), 38.