“And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God.”
(Luke 9:43) 

The period between the Old and New Testaments is commonly referred to as the silent years, a time when God’s involvement with and revelation to His people ceased temporarily. For the space of four hundred years between testaments the Holy Spirit was withdrawn, and God was silent. 

But that period of silence ended with John the Baptist calling out in the wilderness… “Prepare the way for the Lord!” The Lord, the living Word of God, was coming – Christ the Son, vested with power from above, with whom God was well pleased. 

Christ was called the prophet of God (Matt. 21:10-11). And He performed miracles in abundance “There are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written,” (John 21:25). 

Christ’s miracles were not mere signs, however, like the transforming of Moses’ rod into a serpent. His miracles were not merely destructive and punishing, as the wonders shown in the plagues of Egypt. What made Christ’s miracles stand out above all others is the fact that they were advantageous and beneficial to men. They were equal demonstrations of His mercy and power. 

He cured diseases that were otherwise deemed hopeless, as with the son of the nobleman (John 4:46-53).  He treated a blind man with clay and spittle who had no hope of ever seeing. “Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind,” (John 9:32). 

Christ not only healed those plagued with incurable diseases. He also raised the dead, warranting without question that He was from God. He raised the ruler’s daughter (Mark 5:42) to the astonishment of all that were present at her funeral. As the widow’s son was being carried outside the gates of the city to his grave, Jesus stopped the sad train of people and restored life to the young man (Luke 7:14). 

Even more wondrous, to signify triumph over death, He raised Lazarus from the grave. Lazarus had been dead four days (Luke 7:15), meaning his body would’ve already begun deteriorating. But when Jesus called to him from the grave with that same powerful voice that created the world, Lazarus answered. And to the amazement of all those who were there, Lazarus walked out of the grave, manifesting the glory and power of God (John 11:1-44). 

Christ also had the power to cast out devils. In Christ’s day, many were possessed with unclean spirits, for Satan knew the time of his ruin was quickly approaching. William Bates commented, “The case of those people was looked on by Christ with great compassion. Christ ejected the enemy of the soul which was by a force that was not of any human means. Human beings have no material applications with a power that can subdue immaterial spirits. But our Savior by a word commanded them forth from their place, and the Gospel writers observe that such a sight affected the people in an extraordinary manner above what His other miracles did.” Matthew 1:27, 29 recounts, “They were all amazed, in so much that they questioned among themselves, saying, what thing is this, what new doctrine is this? For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.” 

His power over evil spirits was more astounding than His power over disease or even death itself. “They were astonished at the mighty power of God, confessing that it was never so seen in Israel,” (Luke 9:43). And another time they said, “Is not this the Son of David?” (Matt. 9:33), that is the Messiah. Even His enemies could not deny the mighty, undeniable power of God in Christ. 

  1. Lord Jesus, Your power is so evident throughout all the Gospels, throughout all of Scripture! You went about doing good, giving sight to the blind, mobility to the lame, speech to the dumb, healing every sickness and every disease. You are full of compassion for the souls of men. You are supreme love veiled in flesh and blood. You are about either bestowing blessings or forgiving sins. Help me see more clearly where You give blessings and forgive sins in my own life.
  1. All the miracles You performed during Your earthly ministry were helpful and healing. You saved many people and relieved their distresses. Help me learn from this, that no one is born for himself but for the community, and it is better to give than to receive.
  1. Some mysteries are entirely spiritual and placed far beyond our comprehension, like the mysteries of the Trinity or the incarnation. But others You use as instruments and means for carrying out Your divine purposes. Help me see Your power even today in all the ordinary means You use through Your Word, in my church, and even in the expanse of nature all around me, to recollect Your divine power and Your governing providence over Your world.

Further References for Luke 9:43
2 Peter 1:16; Matt. 8:29, 28:18; Luke 4:32; John 5:17