“Behold, these are but the outskirts of His ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?” (Job 26:14)

“The heavens have nothing to prop them up to sustain them in their height, and the earth has no basis to support it in its place… Both of these standing monuments show the omnipotence of God’s incomprehensible power.” —Stephen Charnock  Evidences of the Creator’s unfathomable power abound. The sheer volume of evidence alone is infinitely more than we can take in. And as Job observes, these countless affirmations of what God can do that we see in our world are merely the edges, or “outskirts” of His ways.  Take quantum physics, for example… those invisible elements of creation that come together to make up the solid objects in our world. Quantum mechanics have been extensively studied and documented scientifically. Such studies demonstrate that tangible objects are comprised of tiny molecules, and those molecules are made up of even tinier atoms. Further, these atoms are formed from sub-atomic particles called neutrons, protons and electrons.  Not only that, those atoms that make up the molecules that are found in these observable objects in our world are nothing more than spinning energy and empty space. So, if you single out a molecule of common, everyday water, for example, in an effort to determine what makes water touchable and wet, you would find nothing of substance. Further, this same spinning energy and empty space is all that makes up everything solid in our world.  So, even what can be discovered through observation and research is so utterly fascinating that it is too phenomenal to grasp. This is how great our Creator is! His power is incomprehensible! Who He is and what He does is so far above and beyond anything we can ever imagine, much less understand.  Job describes it like this, “He stretches out the north over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps up the waters in His clouds, and the cloud does not burst under them. He obscures the face of the full moon and spreads His cloud over it… the thunder of His power who can understand?” (Job 26:7-9).  These examples show the stupendous power of God in His works of creation and providence, yet they are mere glimpses of the infinite power of His nature. They are like a drop of water compared to the mighty ocean or a whisper compared to a reverberating boom of thunder. There is infinitely more power in His nature than what is expressed in His world. Only God Himself comprehends it, and He is the only One able to express it. “Who can understand?” Who are we to fully appreciate His power or adore God rightly for His unimaginable strength?  His power is expressed in part in the person and work of Jesus Christ, particularly in terms of salvation which transforms men into new creations. This divine power rescues those He chooses from the dominion of darkness and translates them into the kingdom of His beloved Son. We ask again… who can understand the depth of this unsearchable truth?  
  1. Lord, Your power is unsearchable, and with great wisdom You govern the world You created. You show small glimpses of Your power both in creation and providence. I see it all around me every day. As Your power is the glory of Your nature, so it is my comfort. You do more in my life by this immeasurable power than I could ever ask or think.
  1. Who could have ever imagined such a powerful operation of God’s unsearchable supremacy in the gospel and in salvation? Who could have ever considered the unsearchable depths of Christ’s work in saving sinners like me?
  1. Lord, there is no way I can have a proper view of You if I don’t think about You as most powerful, as well as most wise in the use of Your power. You are a God that can do what You will and perform all Your pleasure. I am so thankful You work on my behalf to order all my steps and forgive me of all my sin. Only infinite power could ever forgive such sin.
  1. Your power, Lord, is not merely of authority and dominion, but strength to act. And I know You have power to act on my behalf that I might be safe and secure in Your arms which gently lead me along the path toward sanctification.
Further References for Job 26:14 Job 4:12, 11:7, 37:5, 40:9; Ps. 29:3, 139:6; Rom 11:33