“But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: ‘The Lord knows those who are His,’ and, ‘Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.’”
(2 Tim. 2:19) 

The foundation of a thing is critical to its integrity, strength, and longevity. In construction terms, the foundation is the load-bearing structure which holds up the building. By default, then, the building is only as strong as its foundation. A cracked, unstable, or weak foundation compromises the building’s integrity and sooner or later causes the building to collapse. 

But in this verse in 2 Timothy, the term foundation takes on a different meaning. Paul says here that God’s foundation bears “a seal,” and based on the remainder of the verse appears to refer to an agreement, contract, or covenant – the basis for or “foundation” which supports the relationship between God and His chosen ones. 

The Apostle Paul refers to this covenant here in the words, “The foundation of the Lord stands.” Further, in legal terms, a contract’s seal served to impress upon the involved parties the significance of the agreement being made. More particularly, the seal mentioned here affirms the strength and longevity of this contract, as it is described as “firm” and that it “stands.” 

The sure nature of God’s contract with us is indicated by the inscriptions on it:
1) As to God’s part, “The Lord knows those who are His.” God is faithful to redeem His own to Himself and to secure them eternally (John 6:39, 10:28-29).
2) As to our part, we are to live in a way that honors His name, “And, Let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” 

The foundation of God’s covenant is firm and sure because it is based in His Word, or His bond. Further, He gives us the Holy Spirit at the time of the new birth as a pledge or security to the fulfillment of that covenant by which He conveys pardon and life to us through Christ. Thomas Manton said, “God’s covenant is sure, firm, and stable, to all those that are sincerely entered into its bond.” It is sure on God’s part, and, He will make it sure on our part. If He will not depart from us, and we shall not depart from Him, surely then, it is steadfast

God’s contract with us will not fail, because of His eternal love in Christ, backed with His infinite power and engaged by His infallible truth. Micah 7:20 says, “You will perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which you have sworn to our fathers from the days of old.” 

In the same way Christians can depend on the New Covenant between Christ and His Church regarding the promise of eternal life. In John 14:2, Christ said, “If it were not so, I would have told you.” His everlasting love established this covenantal relationship with us before the world began. Matthew 25:34 states, “Then shall the king say to them on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’” We ought not fear for the steadfastness or eternality of this covenantal relationship with our Lord, but rather adore God for His sure covenant that stands! (Luke 12:32). 

  1. Lord, Your Word says You embrace me with a special love because of Your Son. You delight in me, You have chosen me, and You approve of me through the covenant of Christ. You deal mercifully with me according to the gracious terms of Your covenantal love.
  1. Lord, I am awed that You approve and even reward those deeds I do in service to my Lord Jesus. Thank You for accepting me in the Beloved, Your Son and my Savior. Because I am Your child, Your love, acceptance, and protection of my place in Your family are as sure as Your Word. What amazing love is this?
  1. Lord, help me learn the importance of being diligent to live before You in holiness. I have a part to play in our relationship, as You will not save me without my diligence to live worthy of Your covenant of grace. I name the name of Christ, so I must live as a Christian, otherwise I will dishonor You. I cannot merely be a Christian by words; I must be a Christian by deeds as well. I must not neglect my part of our covenant by professing to be saved without demonstrating the evidence of my salvation through my life.
  1. Lord, I need to learn to trust You regarding my position with You, for Your covenant stands sure. And as part of that covenant I also must be diligent to live a life worthy of the title Christian. Do I press into the Kingdom and rely on Christ in order to live holy? Show me Lord, where I fail in this, and remind me to examine my life and my heart before You every day.

Further References for 2 Tim. 2:19
Num. 16:5; 1 Cor. 1:2, 8:3; Isa. 28:16; John 10:14; 1 Cor. 3:11