“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags…”
(Isaiah 64:6)
We desperately want to believe we are good people—that our sincerity, kindness, and best efforts count for something before God. But if we were to gather all our supposed “righteousness”—our noblest acts, our purest motives, our most loving deeds—and present them before the Lord, they would amount to nothing more than a repulsive heap of filth in His sight.[1]
Why? Because our goodness is not measured against the goodness of other people but against the infinite holiness of God. His standard is absolute perfection, and when weighed on that scale, we have nothing to offer. There is no inherent goodness within us that makes us fit for His kingdom.
Gregory, in his book Morals, offers an illustration: “A diminutive light may shine in obscurity; but being set in the sun is darkened. Wood that is not measured may appear straight, but applied to the ruler is found twisted.” In much the same way, what appears acceptable to us becomes utterly defiled when exposed to the brilliance of God’s holiness.
From the moment of birth, we are stained by sin (Ps. 51:5), enslaved to corruption until Christ sets us free (Rom. 6:20). He is our only hope! As the apostle Paul declares: “For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21). In other words, God saves His people by exchanging our filthiness for Christ’s righteousness.
Imagine being invited to dine at the King’s banquet, but arriving in rags soaked with filth. You would not be allowed to enter until those garments were removed and replaced with clean robes befitting the presence of royalty. Likewise, to enter the throne room of God, we must come through the narrow gate, be washed in the blood of Christ, and be clothed in His righteousness alone.
Only then can we, like Isaiah, lift our voices in worshipful praise: I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness… (Isa. 61:10).
- The Unworthiness of My Own Righteousness. You are holy, O Lord, and I am not. Left to myself, I have nothing but sin and corruption. The best I could ever offer You is nothing more than a wretched heap of filthy rags. But how I rejoice that You chose to redeem me! You have taken my filth and clothed me in the spotless righteousness of Christ. Jesus gave Himself for me, so that I might stand in Your presence—washed, justified, and made new.
- The Marvel of Your Grace. Father, it is beyond my comprehension to consider all You have done for me! You rescued me from the power of darkness, breathed new life into my soul, and washed me white as snow by the blood of Your Son. You removed my heart of stone and gave me a heart that beats with love for You. Even when I wander, You remain faithful. As long as I return in repentance, You welcome me—not because of my worthiness, but because of Christ. How can I ever cease to marvel at this grace?
- Longing to See Christ Face to Face. Lord Jesus, my heart yearns for the day when I will finally see You as You are. I long to stand before Your throne, surrounded by the redeemed, singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty!” What a glorious day that will be! But do I truly treasure this hope as I should? Does my soul ache for the moment when faith becomes sight? Let this truth be ever before me, shaping my desires, my affections, and my daily walk.
- Pursuing True Holiness. Give me an ever-deepening zeal for holiness, Lord. How I hate my sin! How I despise the ways in which I grieve Your Spirit! Make me sensitive to Your leading, that I might discern what is excellent, pure, and pleasing in Your sight. I do not want my Christian life to be external and superficial—I long for true holiness. I want to walk in the light of Your truth, to grow strong in Your Word, and to wield it as my defense against the forces of darkness. Let Your Word dwell in me richly, that my life might shine with the radiance of Your righteousness.
O Holy God, my heart trembles before You. You are clothed in light, in majesty, in absolute purity, and I am but a sinner, unworthy to stand in Your presence. If You should mark iniquity, who could stand? Yet in Christ, You have done the unthinkable—You have taken my filth and clothed me in His righteousness. I am undone by such grace!
Lord, I confess that in my pride, I have far too often trusted in my own goodness. I have looked to my deeds for assurance instead of resting fully in Christ. I have thought myself better than I am, forgetting that apart from You, I am nothing. Forgive me, Lord! Let me never rely on my works, but only on the finished work of Christ. Let me see my sin for what it truly is—that I may hate it as You do.
I thank You, Father, that my standing before You is not based on my righteousness but on Christ’s. I thank You that in Him, I am washed, justified, and sanctified. You have not only saved me but have made me a new creation. Your Spirit now dwells within me, leading me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.
Lord, keep my heart fixed upon eternity. Let me not grow weary in the race, but let my soul long for the day when I will stand before You in glory. Keep me steadfast, that I may be found faithful when You call me home. Until that day, sanctify me by Your truth—Your Word is truth. Let me grow in holiness, in love, in humility, and in unwavering devotion to You.
O Lord, my Redeemer, I rest in Your righteousness alone. May my life be a testimony to Your grace, and may my lips forever declare Your praise. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior and my righteousness, I pray. Amen.
Further References for Isaiah 64:6:
Gen. 6:5; Psalm 90:5-6, 103:14; Isa. 6:5; Rom. 7:18.
[1] John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 1997) 4:12:25.