“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags…”
(Isaiah 64:6) 

We desperately want to believe we’re good people, and that our actions are sincere and earnest and therefore acceptable to God. But if we could assemble all our “righteousness” – our most sincere, honest, and loving efforts – into one big pile, it would be nothing more than a repulsive collection of filthiness in God’s eyes. 

That’s because our goodness is not measured against that of humanity, but against God’s goodness, God’s holiness, God’s lawful expectation of perfection. And for that, we have nothing. There is no good thing in and of ourselves that fits us for the kingdom of God. 

Gregory, in his book Morals, tells us, “A diminutive light may shine in obscurity; but being set in the sun is darkened. Wood that is not measured may appear straight, but applied to the ruler is found twisted.” 

We are born in sin (Psalm 51) and are slaves to sin until Christ sets us free (Rom. 6:20). He is our only hope! “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God,” (2 Cor. 5:21). In other words, God saves His people to exchange our filthiness for Christ’s righteousness! 

You are invited to dine at God’s table, but your filthy rags have to go. In order to gain an audience with the King, you must enter the throne room through the narrow gate, have your sins washed whiter than snow in His blood, and be clothed in the righteousness of Christ. 

Only then can you humbly adore God and His Christ, and join Isaiah in worshipful praise: “I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; for He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness…” (Isa. 61:10). 

  1. You are holy, O Lord, and I am not. I’m a sinner, and the best I can bring to You is a useless and despicable collection of filthy rags. But I’m so grateful You chose to redeem me! Jesus gave Himself for me, that I can come into Your presence, washed and clothed in His righteousness.
  1. Father, I can hardly believe all You’ve done for me! You rescued me from darkness and death and infused Your own life into my soul. You washed me – whiter than snow – with the blood of Your Son. You gave me a new heart and a new spirit so that I can hear and obey Your Word. And You are faithful to keep Your Word, even when I lose my way. But as long as I return to You in repentance, You welcome me back because of Christ. This is a most amazing thought!
  1. Lord Jesus, I anticipate the day when I will finally see You so that I can adore You face to face! I will join all those whom You have bought with Your blood, and together we will surround Your throne and praise You forever, singing “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty!” Keep this truth before me continually that I may be found ready for that day. Do I hold this truth as dear to my soul as I ought?
  1. Give me a zeal for holiness, Lord. I hate that I give into sin. I hate that I displease You and grieve Your Holy Spirit that lives in me. Make me more attuned to Your Spirit that I see clearly what is excellent and pure. I don’t want my Christian walk to be merely external; I want true holiness. I want to live in Your light. Help me grow strong in Your Word, because I know the light of Your Word is my only defense against the forces of darkness.


Further References for Isaiah 64:6
Gen. 6:5; Psalm 90:5-6, 103:14; Isa. 6:5; Rom. 7:18