“Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.”
(Psalm 147:5)
Psalm 147:5 reminds us of the vastness of God’s nature—His strength, wisdom, and presence extend beyond anything we can grasp. When we pause to consider who He is, we are drawn to the reality that He is beyond what we can fully comprehend. Yet, He reveals Himself to us in Scripture, in creation, and in His providence over all things. He is eternal, omniscient, omnipotent, and unchanging—truths which are the anchors of our faith.
The Bible is filled with testimonies of God’s greatness. Every part of creation validates His existence, and every conscience bears witness to His reality. The heavens declare His glory, and the earth shows His handiwork. From the most complex systems in nature to the smallest details in our lives, God’s involvement is clear. He upholds everything by the power of His Word and directs all things according to His perfect plan.
One of the most awe-inspiring aspects of God is that He is incorporeal, meaning He does not have a physical body, and yet He is ever-present.[1] He is eternal, existing before time began and continuing forever without end. His understanding and wisdom are infinite; there is nothing He does not know, no mystery that escapes Him. So when we face the unknown, we can trust in the God who sees and understands all things.
God’s nature is also immutable, that is, He never changes. Unlike the shifting circumstances of life, His promises remain true and His character consistent. He is omnipotent, possessing all power, and omniscient, knowing all things. These attributes of our Heavenly Father remind us that we are not alone in the world; we are cared for by the One who is able to do all things and who knows exactly what we need.
God is also infinitely and utterly holy—pure and perfect, without sin or blemish. His holiness is the standard by which all things are measured. Yet, in His holiness, He is also merciful, compassionate, and slow to anger, extending grace to us when we fall short of His standards. His faithfulness to us is without limits, and His mercies are new every morning.
God is all-sufficient as well. He lacks nothing and needs nothing from us, yet He graciously invites us into relationship with Him. He is the source of all life, and He sustains everything by His power. In His love, He cares for all of His creation, especially humanity, providing for our needs and guiding us through life.
Considering God’s providence, we’re reminded that He is actively involved in His world. He did not simply create everything and leave it to run on its own. Instead, He continues to govern and uphold all things. He sees every detail, from the grand movements of the universe to the smallest moments of our daily lives. Nothing escapes His notice, and nothing happens outside of His will, which means that the same God who created the stars cares intimately for you and me.
Indeed, His providence extends to every part of our life. He knows our joys and our sorrows, our triumphs and our struggles. Whether we experience good or evil, it is all under His control. Even when we don’t understand why things happen, we can trust that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).
From the beginning of time until now, God has been faithfully guiding His people. We can therefore be assured He will continue to do so until the day when all things are made new.
- The Greatness of God’s Power. When I consider the greatness of God’s power, I’m reminded of how small I am in comparison. Yet, despite His vastness, God is intimately involved in my life. He is not distant or detached but ever-present and powerful. His strength is limitless, and I can rely on Him in every situation. I take comfort in knowing that no problem is too big for Him and no detail is too small. “Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite,” (Psalm 147:5).
- God’s Unchanging Nature. It brings me peace to reflect on the truth that God never changes. In a world where everything seems to be in constant flux, God’s immutability is a solid foundation for my faith. He remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. His promises are as true now as they were when He first spoke them. I can trust Him completely, knowing that His love, mercy, and grace will never fade. “For I am the Lord, I change not,” (Malachi 3:6).
- God’s Infinite Wisdom. God’s understanding is beyond measure, and this brings me assurance when I face situations I cannot comprehend. When life is confusing and I do not see the full picture, I am comforted knowing that God sees everything clearly. His wisdom is infinite, and He knows exactly what is best for me. I can rest in the fact that His ways are higher than my ways and that His plans are always for my good. “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” (Romans 11:33).
- God’s Loving Providence. Reflecting on God’s providence fills me with hope. He not only created the world but continues to sustain and govern it. Every moment of my life is under His care, and nothing happens by accident. Even in difficult times, I trust that God is working behind the scenes, guiding me according to His perfect plan. He watches over me with love, and I can cast all my cares upon Him, knowing that He cares for me. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good,” (Proverbs 15:3).
Further References for Psalm 147:5:
Psa. 48:1; Isa. 40:28; Psa. 145:3; Nah. 1:3; Rom. 11:33.
[1] Hugh Peters, Milk for Babes, and Meat for Men, (Amsterdam: Successor of G. Thorp, 1630), 2.